Special Meeting 6/14/2017

Wednesday June 14, 2017 12pm ET
Special Meeting with Board Directors and GLN staff and interns at GLN Office: 1720 I St NW Suite 700
GLN Board of Directors [present: Andrew Brown (President and Chairman), Richard Sawaya (Secretary), and Bennard Cann (Treasurer)] met with outgoing GLN Program Coordinator Antone Neugass, incoming Program Coordinator Bailey Wiles and several GLN summer Interns (Aananthi Rajasekaran, Clara Yetter, Marveline Dandin, Qincheng Lu, Serena Smith, Shayan Ahmadi, and Veanessa Jones). Directors Charles Maslin and Ilya Budik were unable to join.
President Brown thanked Antone for his service to GLN as Program Coordinator and welcomed GLN’s new Program Coordinator, Bailey Wiles.
Secretary Sawaya and Treasurer Cann spoke with GLN staff and interns and inquired about their experience at GLN, as well as any feedback they would like to offer. Everyone was very positive about their experience and indicated that they believe this experience will greatly benefit them for their future careers.
Antone Neugass talked about how GLN’s teacher trainings and teaching approach inspired him to pursue a new career in teaching and that he has accepted a teaching fellowship that will start in the summer, making June 16 his last day at GLN.
GLN interns and staff shared with Board Directors their experience in helping film the recent GLN promotional videos, including a video produced by GLN intern Marveline Dandin to promote learning Haitian Creole with GLN.

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