Not Goodbye but See You Soon
It has been an honor to work with the Global Language Network. The mission to “use language as a tool to help fix our world” and to emphasize the importance of communication between peoples is one that I am proud to have worked toward since beginning my GLN journey. I have learned much from my time working with this organization, as well as the people I’ve met during this time.
Engaging with the volunteers, teachers, interns, and fellows has been the highlight of my time with the GLN. The community around this organization is something to cherish and hold onto, and I am happy that I can continue to be a part of it in other capacities in the future. The interns and fellows that I supervised and worked with in this time have reminded me every day of how there is always further to grow, more to learn, and new ways to improve. The teachers I have met with, taught alongside, and assisted in class and lesson planning have inspired me to work hard to help others in their own journeys of growth. The classroom assistants and volunteers I have worked with have shown me the meaning of generosity, in giving to others without anything in return. Finally, the students have taught me the importance of motivation and dedication to a goal. I leave this position having grown from my time with the individuals of this community, in all that I have learned and experienced.
Working with the GLN, both as a leadership fellow and then as Program Coordinator, has been a wonderful and unique experience. I am grateful for all that I have learned here and the people that I’ve met along the way. While I am stepping down from the Program Coordinator position, I will still be volunteering with the organization to support the GLN mission. For this reason, this is not a true farewell. It’s more like seeing you soon. À bientôt! ¡Hasta luego! اراك قريبا
“Good friends never say goodbye. They simply say ‘See you soon.’” – Unknown