Special Meeting Agenda 6/14/2017
Special Meeting with Board Directors and GLN staff and interns at GLN Office: 1720 I St NW Suite 700 planned for: Wednesday June 14, 2017 12pm ET
GLN Board Directors and GLN Staff welcome to join, including: GLN Board of Directors: Andrew Brown (President and Chairman), Richard Sawaya (Secretary), and Bennard Cann (Treasurer), Charles Maslin and Ilya Budik.
GLN Staff: outgoing GLN Program Coordinator Antone Neugass, incoming Program Coordinator Bailey Wiles and all GLN summer Interns and volunteers.
GLN Board Directors will meet with GLN staff and interns and discuss their experience with GLN as well as request feedback based on their experience.
Board of Directors will also be asking GLN staff for any ideas towards future growth as well as any other relevant ideas.