
Why Bother Traveling?

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

We’re sure a lot of you get that question from bewildered family and friends. So- what is it that makes you want to pick up and go?

Wisdom from an Icelandic Mural

Justin, a GLN friend sends this Sigur Ròs quote our way all the way from a giant wall somewhere in Iceland!

Það Besta Sem Guð Hefur Skapað Er Nýr Dagur

Translation: The best thing god has created is a new day.

Come to the G-Fest Tomorrow!

This Saturday is the Global Language Network’s signature cultural event: G-Fest! Come and celebrate language learning, cultural connections, and community collaboration. With more than 22 booths representing nations throughout the world; cultural perfumers from Columbia, Sri Lanka, Georgia, Denmark, and Cuba; and a raffle there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with GLN’ers and supporters and, of course, practice speaking languages from around the world. Don’t forget to stop by the GLN booth to pick up some GLN swag! Check out the details and RSVP here: https://thegln.org/g-fest

Ever Wonder About Cuba?

And some of us want to know what it’s like over there! The NYT Magazine brings us a feature about traveling to Cuba from a writer who married into a Cuban family. Worth a read, because it ain’t easy to get there:

Because my wife and her family have living relatives in Cuba, they can get a humanitarian exception that lets you fly direct from Miami. The legal loopholes combining to make that possible must fill hard drives. But you can in fact go that way, if you obtain one of these exceptions or are immediate family with someone who does…But the airport bureaucracy in Miami was so heavy, at least back then, you had to show up the night before and stay in an airport hotel so you could wake up early and spend the day in a series of bewildering lines, getting things signed or stamped.”