Media Monday!
Happy Monday, GLNers! I hope everyone’s feeling chipper after having a week to adjust to losing an hour of sleep last weekend…personally, I’m still trying to find ways to get that hour back, so if you’ve got any ideas please let me know!
To wake everyone up today, we’ve got “听妈妈的话” (“Ting Mama De Hua” in Pinyin, or “Listen to Your Mom” in English) by Chinese heartthrob Jay Chou. Seriously, the ladies are into this guy. Even if you don’t speak Chinese, you can still enjoy this song and marvel at the characters in the subtitles. And maybe it will even inspire you to pick up a word or two of Chinese!
P.S. Points if you can tell everyone what this song is about!
(Is there a song in a foreign language you’re crazy about? Share it with us and it could be featured on G-Blogodaria!)